
Returns a list of files stored in Firebase Storage.


  • ref - A Firebase Storage reference or path string (e.g. files/hi-mom.txt)


  • default - Shown when the list is available
  • loading - Shown while the list is loading

Slot Props

  • list - The list of files and prefixes
  • ref - Storage reference
  • storage - The Firebase Storage instance


  import  { StorageList } from "sveltefire";

<StorageList ref="images/uid" let:list>
        {#if list === null}
        {:else if list.prefixes.length === 0 && list.items.length === 0}
          <!-- Listing the prefixes -->
          {#each list.prefixes as prefix}
          <!-- Listing the objects in the given folder -->
          {#each list.items as item}