
Subscribes to Firestore collection data and listens to real-time updates.


  • firestore - Firestore instance
  • ref - A Firestore collection reference, query reference, or path string (e.g. posts)
  • startWith - (optional) initial value to use before the document is fetched


    import { collectionStore } from 'sveltefire';
    import { firestore } from '$lib/firebase'; // your firestore instance

    const posts = collectionStore(firestore, 'posts');

{#each $posts as post}

With a query reference:

    import { collectionStore } from 'sveltefire';
    import { firestore } from '$lib/firebase'; 
    import { collection, where, query } from 'firebase/firestore';

    const postsRef = collection('posts');
    const q = query(postsRef, where('author', '==', 'jeff'));

    const postsByJeff = collectionStore(firestore, q);  

With TypeScript:

<script lang="ts">

    interface Post {
        title?: string;
        content?: string;

    const posts = collectionStore<Post[]>(firestore, 'posts');

{#each $posts as post}